CIAN is dedicated to not only performing research in the field of optics and photonics but also to share educational information about the topic.
CIAN oversees three main digital initiatives to achieve this goal, listed below.
Photonics Hub
The Photonics Hub is an innovative educational clearinghouse for materials involving photonics and optics created by educators across all levels; K-14, university, and post-graduate. These materials are freely available to anyone interested in utilizing them. Additionally, we also accept resource submissions to be added to the clearinghouse.
The SuperCourse is a collection of vertically-integrated online courses that are uniquely designed to provide learners the ability to customize content based on their prior education and to reinforce their fundamental understanding of photonic concepts.
CIAN Optics Adventures Comic Book
CIAN is creating an interactive virtual STEM comic book series entitled “Optics Adventures with Professor Watt and Chip” designed for elementary and middle school children. The comic series is aligned to state science standards and is designed to be an interactive tool for students to learn about science includingn interactive animations, quizzes, and videos.