The CIAN URF is not currently accepting applications.
What is Undergraduate Research Fellowship?
CIAN welcomes undergraduate students located at or near a CIAN university into our labs to participate in research that is creating ultra-broadband communication for the next generation internet. Participants will be given consultation and financial support to obtain real hands-on research experience in optical communications, thus preparing or expanding the career potential for participants both in the classroom and in the workforce.
CIAN aspires to create a technological revolution in internet access speeds. Students will conduct research in a cross-disciplinary setting collaborating with faculty, graduate students, research engineers, post-docs, and other students. Also, the program will develop partnerships between the mentors, faculty, and students to develop effective means of transferring STEM (optical communication and networking) knowledge.
A stipend of up to $5,000. (Amount may vary)
Optical Telecommunication, fiber optics, fiber lasers and amplifiers, Nonlinear photonics and high speed optical switching, Integrated optics including waveguide amplifiers, lasers, and modulators.
Undergraduate students at a CIAN university or at any four-year college or community college that is located near a CIAN university are eligible to apply. Students must be majoring in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field as an undergraduate student. Minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. CIAN strongly encourages applications from underrepresented minority groups, women, first-generation college students and students that do not have previous lab research experience. US Citizenship or permanent residency is required.
Apply for the Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Application Deadline: Rolling
Additional Materials Required for Application
Nomination by CIAN Faculty
- Official Transcript
The CIAN Faculty member nominating your application must contact us by emailing or calling or 520-621-0174 to alert us of their support for your application.Please mail an official transcript to the CIAN headquarters.
All mail may be directed to CIAN headquarters.
Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN)
University of Arizona
c/o Amee Hennig, CIAN Education & Outreach Manager
1630 E University Blvd., 501B
Tucson, AZ 85721
Email Amee Hennig with any questions.